
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

What is algea? How to keep under-control algea?

how to keep under control algea

Algae is a term that used to classify photosynthesis or non-photosynthesis plant-like organism. There are several types of algae with different colors, like green, brown, red, golden yellow and blue-green. But in aquarium we generally encounter with green and brown type, because these two are more common.
Up to now everthing is good, algea plant like organism and generally they produce their own food with photosynthesis. But they colonize too fast and you may face with green or brown covered aquarium. So that you need to take precaution for gain an advantage over aquarium algea.

Control Feeding
By overfeed your feed you are creating  fish waste and unconsumed fish food which are big food source for algeaAlgea will increase their growing rate by realisingly this food sources. So that, you must give controlled amount food according consumption rate of your fish. No do not give food that your fish consume in just one or two minutes.

Control Lighting
If you have a planted aquarium, this means you need 12 hours light in your aquarium. If not, you do not need this much light. Ok your fish also need night, but they do not get light too much in their natural living medium. We use light to see our fish in our aquarium. By lighten aquarium too much time, you give algea chance to grow up because they do photosynthesis and for photosynthesis organism needs light. So that you need to limit lighten time to decrease grow rate of algea.
TIP: Always avoid sunlight. Because algea grow like crazy with sunlight and also it increases water temperature and causes stress.

Control Water Parameters
Increase in nitrate level always helps algea growth. Fish waste and unconsumed fish food behave like fertilizer for algea. So that you must test regular your water condition. And also regular partial water change is vital for reduce algea organism number and also remove impurities from water.
TIP: Before water change it is also recommended that to test your tap water, because it may carry algea. (in general phosphate test and nitrate test can give you clue)
Control Filteration System
Aquarium filtration system is a good please for sprout of algea. Because filters collect all of impurities including food and waste. Thus, we must keep filter clean. Although to reduce chemical and biological factors your filtration system must be include also chemical and biological filtration system. You can place active carbon to filter to remove dissolved organics.

Feed Algea-Eater
If you want to keep algea under control, you can try feed algea eating fish or snails. But there is also risk with snails because they can breed easily and over populate the aquarium. So you must feed just one snail against over population.
Algea eating fishes not only feed with algeaAlgea is the limitted part of their diet. They can keep under control algea if your aquarium already captured with algea. You can choose loricariidae catfish.

If you already took precautions but, your aquarium still covered with algea.

What you need to do?
Probably you did not due care all of precautions. Ok, no problem. Your aquarium was captured by algea. Now you must carry out these steps.
  1. Remove fish to clean reserve tank.
  2. Dischargeall of the water from aquarium.
  3. Remove all decor, gravel and plants.
  4. Wash tank with clean water and dry it.
  5. Wash decor and gravel.
  6. Clean all of aquarium equipments.
  7. Put back all of aquarium staff to aquarium.
  8. Fill tank with clean and tested water again.
  9. Place fish.
  10. And do not forget to follow precautions above.

I hope you enjoy reading.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

15 Basic Rules For a Good Aquarium

15 basic aquarium rules

With a small touch you can have a successful and healthy aquarium. Just a little care is enough for your aquarium friends. Here you can find 15 basic rules for a good aquarium.
Feed two to three times each day
Regular and varied feeding is important for fish
Do not overfeed. Feed must be consumed in about 2 min.
Take care to population in aquarium.
Change water weekly
Test water parameters regularly
Choose fish that live similar temperatures.
Choose fish that mesh together
Provide good filtration
Choose the largest aquarium possible.
Stable conditions are always important for fish.
According to type of fish that you feed, make daily, weekly and monthly checklist.
Be careful when you place new fish/decor/any equipment to aquarium.
Always check your fish condition.
Choose complementary plants, rocks, wood, gravel and etc.

Enjoy the hobby!

Friday, January 06, 2017

Quarantine Tank for Freshwater Aquarium


Hi everyone,
As you remember that I refer quarantine tank (QT) too much on my Common Aquarium Fish Illness and Their Treatment post. And to day I will talk about quarantine tank. What is the importance of quarantine tank? How must it be desingned?

Why quarantine tank is too much important?

Answer is simple. Firstly for your fish health. By using QT you can keep your main tank always healthy and shut off from diseases. Using QT always recommended not only for sick fish but also for new fishes. Because new fishes may carry diseases, and also transfer of fish may stressor to fishes. If you place new fishes to QT, you can easily observe diseases for cure and reduce stress caused by transfer. 
It is can be also called as a hospital of fish. When you see symthom of diseases on anyone of your main tank fish, you must remove and place to QT this fish to protect other fishes against infect.

Desing of Quarantine Tank

As you know that this is not your main tank because of that design is not to much important but filter, aeration and heater are still vital like in main tank.
Tank: You do not need to too big tank. Because this tank is not permanent residence. According to size of fish that you feed 20 - 50 liters is enough size for quarantine tank. You can also use good quality rubber/plastic made container after sterilization.
Filtration: You can use basic type of filters like sponge or hang on back filter. You will use it to clean detritus. 
You can find detailed information about filters here.
Aeration: If you use HOB filter aeration is not mandatory but for other type of filters it is always needed that place a airstone and connect it to a good air pump.
Heater: As I talked above our main aim to use QT to make fish healthy, so that we must arrange temperature according to fish's living medium.
Not: If your fish has a hiding behaivor in it inherent, you can place some smooth stone inside QT to provide hideaway.
In this post, i will not write any medicine because its differ disease to disease. Before store it you must clean it well. And also before reuse it, you must clean it again (at least wash with clean water to remove dust)
Quarantine Period: There is too much thought about that but there is not exact timing about quarantine. So that i will share with you may tactic. For new fish 3 week is enough. You can buy fish from confidential petshop, but if you want to clear all doubt you must wait a little bit more and in this period do not forget to observe your fish situation and behaivors. 
If you keep fish in QT because of disease, this time you must be more patient because there is no time limitation for it. Till your fish get healthy again you must wait.
Thank you for reading...

Thursday, January 05, 2017



General Specifications

Latin Name: Baryancistrus demantoides
Geographic Origin: Endemic to Venezuela.
Nutrition Format: Omnivorous
Behavior: Peaceful
Behavior to Their Type: Peaceful
Swimming Level: Bottom, over the glass of aquarium.
Gender Discrimination: There is not any exact gender discrimination but in general thought fish with bigger fin is male.


They spawn and protect their eggs.

Living Medium

Temperature: 24 - 27 ° C
Maximum Sizes: 15 cm.
Water Hardness: 3 - 10 ° d
pH: 5.8 - 6.5
Minimum Size of Tank: 150 liters

General Comments: 

Reproduction in aquarium medium is rarely seen. Compering with other other loricariidae family member they are more delicate. So that they need extra care.

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Common Aquarium Fish Illness and Their Treatment

I think that least desirable situation for your aquarium that your fish could get sick and die because of diseases.

Today I will inform you about common aquarium fish diseases which are secret hazard for your aquarium.

If you realize that symptom of diseases you have a chance to cure your fish. But you must be always careful when you check your fish.

Let's start.


Freshwater Ich (White Spot) (Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis)

It is too common disease and lots of aquarium owner probably face with it. Main reason for it parasites and if you do not take action, it can be mortal for your fish. If you do not control this disease it may pass over one fish to whole aquarium because it is fast spanning over parasite. Confusions on the body, fin and gill, may also effect movement and vantilation of your fish.
Signs: White spots on the body of fish, fin and gill. And each white spot includes parasite.
Factor: Cause of this disease is unicellular which named Ichthyophthirius.
Treatment: If you are in doubt about one of your fish get Ich, you must directly isolate it from the main tank. Main treatment method is daily application of Ich Medicine and daily water change in your quarantine tank. It is also recommended that application of medicine to main tank for both to clear your mind and decrease the chance infection to other fishes in your tank. And clear all aquarium decoration, filtration and an other equipments.
Protection: Select confidential petshops and purchase healty fish. Quarantine new fishes before transfer them to main tank. Always observe aquarium parameters to prevent parasite colonization.


Fin Rot

Fin rot is an other common fish disease. Its start at the edge of the fin and if not treated when fin ends it pass through the body of fish. Fin rot is common for large fin fish like bettas.
Signs: Edges of the fin become darker and fins fray. Base of fin seems gleety. White spot on fin like Ich.
Factor: Fin rot can be because of bacterial infection which named pseudomonas fluorescens or fungal infection. With out infection, you can also face with fin rot. Poor diet, injury, stress in aquarium and aquarium parameters may stimulate fin rot.
Treatment: Take out the fish and place it to qyarantine tank. Start to use phenoxyethanol, malachite green or methylene blue. Measure water parameters and correct them by using proper agent. Arrange water temperature. If the reason of fin rot is bacterical or fungal, in high temperatures they reproduce much more faster. Arrange number of fish according to your tank size.
Protection: Always check water condition and do regular water change. Do not give overdose food. Keep constant the water temperature. Quarantine new fishes before transfer them to main tank.



Dropsy is like edema. Your fish starts to seem like puffy.
Signs: It differ fish to fish but in general fish seems like bigger and puffy. Their eyes bulge and gills become pale.
Factor: Poor water quality, sudden change in temperature, stress and quality of food. And also bacterical and fungal diseases may be the reason of it.
Treatment: Again same take fishes to quarantine tank. Check the main aquarium general condition and parameters. Apply needed changes in aquarium. Use good quality foods. If it is needed give some antibiotics.
Protection: Do not overfeed your fishes. Use different type of food to support their digestion system. Take care of your fish compatibility and number in aquarium. Clean regularly both aquarium and filtration system. And also do not forget regular change of aquarium water.


Swim Bladder Disorder (Flipover)

Swim bladder is an organ which gives an ability to fish control their swim level without spent an energy. 
Signs: They can not swim regular. Generally they float upside down. If there is high water flow because of filtration motor, they sway from side to side.
Factor: Birth defect, compression of other enlarged organs. Too much food and air could be reason of it. And also constipation and intestinal parasites.
Treatment: Do not give food for 2-3 days by observing their condition. Increase water temperature to help their digestion. If starve is not work, you may use antibiotics.
Protection: To avoid swim bladder disorder you must feed your fish planned. Use quality food and take care of aquarium cleaning.


Gill/Skin Flukes

Your fish skin seem like flaking because of parasite.
Signs: Lost of color, red skin, rapid vantilation, blood spots.
Factor: Cause of this illness is parasite that named dactylogyrus.
Treatment: Keep effected fish in quarantine tank and start antibiotics. It is also recommended that increasing salinity rate of water.
Protection: Place new fishes quarantine tank before transfer them to main tank. Live foods may includes parasite so that take life food from trusted petshops.

To Sum Up

If you want to keep your aquarium healty and protected from the illnesses;
- Choose quality feed
- Choose trustful petshop
- Keep clean your aquarium
- Keep new fishes in quarantine before placing to main tank
- Always control water parameters.